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Wardensville bull test brand

The WBT is a bull development program available to mid-size seedstock breeders in the region and is more like an alliance than a typical bull test. There are no single consignments and several cooperators have 10 or more bulls in the program, making their yearling and ultrasound data more meaningful and useful. 


Evolving throughout its lifetime to best serve the current and future needs of the beef industry, the Wardensville Bull Test has rapidly incorporated emerging technology to evaluate traits of economic significance. In addition to traditional measures of growth, fertility and body composition, we measure individual feed intake and provide our cooperators and customers insight into each bull’s ability to convert feed into marketable product. 


As a requirement for participation, our cooperators annually retain ownership on a number of cattle through the West Virginia Feedlot and Product Information Program (West Virginia’s Ranch to Rail Program began in 1983) and collect yearling ultrasound body composition data on their replacement heifers. Our cooperators live and produce in the real world. The cattle are solid and dependable, but we invite you to evaluate these bulls/cooperators yourself and reach your own conclusions. 

wardensville bull test brand
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